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FSA is strengthening the regulation of virtual currency

The following article was on the Weekly Diamond Online of this morning.
The Financial Services Agency is strengthening the regulation of virtual currency and not planning to include “low-level operators” as subjects of the register of virtual currency exchange business. (Weekly Diamond, 7th November 2018, in Japanese)
This article says that small virtual currency operators are complaining that “the new FSA regulation covers a wide range of personnel from management to accounting, compliance, system engineers, customer support and security.” However, if they can not deal with these tasks, will they be able to perform the proper business of virtual currency exchange? They have significant risks and will keep customers’ property, so they should not start the business unless they are well organized. I think that this is what people understand from past experiences. Regarding this matter, I am aware that there are voices of criticism that “regulation kills the possibility of innovation.” However, the priority should not be given to innovation even at the expense of customer assets. It is natural to check at the entrance stage whether or not the virtual currency operator is eligible.